Model Benchmarking

You can use the script to collect some metrics about the models. Read Getting initial scripts to know how to download it.

Once you have the script, you can run a benchmark as follows:

python raft_small

This command will collect some metrics from the raft_small model. The results are printed in the terminal and also saved to a CSV file at the folder specified by the argument --output_path.

When benchmarking a single model (as in the example above), it is possible to include model-specific arguments as well. For example:

python raft_small --iters 12

--iters is an argument available inside the raft_small model.

Benchmarking multiple models

You can also run the benchmark on several models at the same time, by providing select as the first argument and then a list of model names for the --selection argument. For example, the command:

python select --selection raft_small pwcnet

would collect the benchmark results for raft_small and pwcnet models.

You can also benchmark all available models with:

python all

IMPORTANT: when benchmarking multiple models with select or all, it is not possible to provide model-specific argument directly from the command line!

Reported metrics

This script report the following metrics:

  • Number of model parameters

  • FLOPs

  • Running time

FLOPs and running time are relative to the input size and the chosen datatypes.

Useful arguments

You can find all the arguments accepted by this script by running:

python -h

Below we explain some of the most useful arguments you can control:

  • --num_trials, --num_samples, --sleep_interval: use these to change the number of tests run to average the metrics. Each trial runs the model --num_samples times. --sleep_interval can be used to set a delay between each trial.

  • --input_size: the height and width, respectively, of the input to be used for benchmarking.

  • --final_speed_mode, --final_memory_mode: how to average the speed and memory metrics.

  • --datatypes: a list of datatypes (fp16 and/or fp32) to be tested.

The command below shows an example with all the above arguments:

python raft_small --num_trials 2 --num_samples 5 --sleep_interval 1.0 --input_size 384 1280 --final_speed_mode median --final_memory_mode first --datatypes fp16 fp32

Plotting results

You can create 2D scatter plots by choosing two of the available metrics. You can check the names of valid metrics by checking the accepted values of --plot_axes after running:

python -h

For example, the command below creates a scatter plot showing time and flops of three models:

python select --selection raft_small pwcnet flownets --plot_axes time flops

Known issues

Different GPU IDs

In machines with more than one GPU, sometimes the GPU ID from nvidia-smi is different from the ID in PyTorch, causing wrong GPU memory usage reports. If that happens, you will have to manually change the device_id variable in to synchronize the two IDs.

Variable running times

Calculating the running times of multiple models (using the arguments select or all) may cause later models to become slower. If you want to get the lowest running times of each model, it is best to benchmark only one model at a time.