Train an existing model

Introduction (important, please read it!)

Most models in PTLFlow support training (see Trainable models). The instructions below will show how to select a model and train it inside PTLFlow.

That being said, at the moment, most models just use the default training routine provided by the BaseModel. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the models trained in this platform will provide results close to the original ones. In fact, it is possible that some models will not converge with these settings.

I would like to, at some point, be able to test and configure the correct training settings for each model. However, at the moment, I do not have the resources for this. If you have successfully trained some model inside PTLFlow, please feel free to contribute your results by opening an issue on [the GitHub repository](

How to train a model

You can use the script Read Getting initial scripts to know how to download it.

In order to train a model, you should also keep a copy of datasets.yml in the same directory as Then you should update the paths inside datasets.yml to point to the dataset root folders in your machine.

Once you have both files, training a model from scratch should be as simple as running:

python raft_small --train_dataset chairs-train --gpus 1

This code would train a RAFT Small model on the train split of the FlyingChairs dataset. The --gpus option specifies one GPU will be used for training (see the Trainer arguments from PyTorch Lightning). Also check train_dataset and val_dataset for more details about the train_dataset string options.

If you want to have more control over the training hyperparameters, you can add more arguments:

python raft_small --train_dataset chairs-train --lr 0.0001 --train_batch_size 4 --max_epochs 5 --gpus 1

You can see all the available options with:

python -h

(It will be a long list…).


By default, Tensorboard will be used as the logger. Both the logging results, as well as the intermediate checkpoints will be saved to the dir specified by --log_dir (by default it is saved to a folder called ptlflow_logs). Validation results and checkpoints will be saved at the end of each training epoch.

If you want to see the results on Tensorboard, then open a terminal and type:

tensorboard --logdir ptlflow_logs

Then open a web browser and go to localhost:6006. The plots and flow predictions (after at least one validation occurs) should be displayed in the browser.

Resuming an interrupted training

Assuming at least one epoch has concluded before the interruption, you can resume the training using the saved checkpoints. To do so, just use the argument --resume_from_checkpoint giving the path to the *_train_*.ckpt checkpoint (see Saved checkpoints).

python raft_small --train_dataset chairs-train --gpus 1 --resume_from_checkpoint /path/to/train_checkpoint

Finetuning a previous checkpoint

Optical flow models are often trained at multiple stages, in which the weights from the previous stage is used as an initialization for the next one. This is different from resuming the training, because in this case we do not want to start a new training routine, but rather recover the model weights from a previous checkpoint. In this case, you should still use --resume_from_checkpoint to point to the checkpoint to be restored. However, you should also include an additional argument --clear_train_state, which will make sure that only the model weights will be loaded:

python raft_small --train_dataset things-train --gpus 1 --resume_from_checkpoint /path/to/train_checkpoint --clear_train_state

Finetuning from pretrained weights

Many models in PTLFlow offer pretrained weights. These can also be used as the starting point for the finetuning. For this, just use --pretrained_ckpt instead of --resume_from_checkpoint to define the checkpoint to load (but keep --clear_train_state):

python raft_small --train_dataset sintel-train --gpus 1 --pretrained_ckpt things --clear_train_state

Saved checkpoints

By default, 3 checkpoints will be saved at the end of each epoch:

  • A “train” checkpoint, named *_train_*.ckpt, where * can be any text. This checkpoint is much larger than the others because it stores information about all the training environment (model weights, optimizer, learning rates scheduler, etc.). This checkpoint can be used to resume a training from exactly where it has stopped.

  • A “last” checkpoint, named *_last_*.ckpt. This checkpoint contains only the model weights obtained after the most recent epoch concluded. This, or the next checkpoint, is what you should usually make available for others to use your model. You can also use this checkpoint for Finetuning a previous checkpoint.

  • A “best” checkpoint, named *_best_metric-name_value_*.ckpt. This checkpoint is saved whenever metric-name is better than the previous “best” checkpoint. By default, metric-name will be the EPE (End-Point-Error) value obtained from the first dataset specified in --val_dataset (if not specified, it will be the trainval split of the Sintel Final dataset by default). You can check train_dataset and val_dataset for more details about the val_dataset string options.

Trainable models

You can get a list of the model names that support training, using the function ptlflow.get_trainable_model_names(). In order to print the list on the terminal, type:

python -c "import ptlflow; print(ptlflow.get_trainable_model_names())"

Note, however, that for the moment, the actual training of each model has not been tested. Therefore, although the listed models will indeed be trained, there is no guarantee that they will learn to generate good predictions. This is because each model may have particular hyperparameter choices which need to be tuned for them to converge.

I hope that in the future all models can be trained successfully inside PTLFlow. But tuning all their trainings will require great effort and resources, which unfortunately I do not have at the moment.