Adding a new model

Suppose you create a new model called MyModel. The code below is an example of how to define it to work with PTLFlow.

import argparse
from typing import Dict

import torch
from ptlflow.models.base_model.base_model import BaseModel

# 1. Optionally, define a loss function, if you want to be able to train the model.
from .loss import my_model_loss

# 2. Inherit from Base Model.
class MyModel(BaseModel):
    # 3. Optionally, add a class variable called "pretrained_checkpoints" with the pretrained weights.
    pretrained_checkpoints = {
        'ckpt_id1': '/path/to/local/checkpoint/or/https://online/file',
        'ckpt_id2': '/path/to/another/local/checkpoint/or/https://online/file',

    def __init__(
        args: argparse.Namespace,  # 4 Receive args, which has at least the content of add_model_specific_args() defined below.
        *other params
    ) -> None:
        # 5. Call the parent constructor.
        super(MyModel, self).__init__(
            loss_fn=my_model_loss,  # Can be None, if there is no loss function
            output_stride=64  # Or another value, depends on the stride of your model

        # Define your model Here

    # This is based on PyTorch Lightning best practices, read more here:
    # 6. Load the args of BaseModel and add your own.
    def add_model_specific_args(parent_parser=None):
        parent_parser = BaseModel.add_model_specific_args(parent_parser)
        parser = ArgumentParser(parents=[parent_parser], add_help=False)
        return parser

    # 7. Define the forward function
    def forward(
        inputs: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]
    ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
        # inputs may have many keys, but the main one is 'images'.
        # inputs['images'] will be a 5D tensor with shape BNCHW, where
        # B=batch size, N=number of inputs, C=channels (usually 3 for images).
        # The normal usage for optical flow is
        image1 = inputs['images'][:, 0]
        image2 = inputs['images'][:, 1]

        # Define your forward here

        # Pack the model estimations into a dict and return.
        # It must have at least an entry 'flows', which is a 5D tensor BNCHW, typically N=1.
        preds = {
            'flows': my_5D_flow_predictions
        return preds

    # 8. BaseModel already define optimizers, dataloaders, training steps, etc.
    # However, if you want to use different ones, you should create methods overriding those steps.
    # Check the PyTorch Lightning documentation for more details about which methods are required:

To use a model inside PTLFlow, you need to first clone the source code (see Running from the source code). Then do the following steps:

  1. Create a folder with your model name inside the models folder. For example, you could create a folder ptlflow/models/my_model. All the files related to this model should be inside this folder, including: definition of the model, loss function, and anything else required to run the model

  2. Put the code file in the folder, for example in ptlflow/models/my_model/

  3. Register the model in PTLFlow by updating ptlflow/ This should be all. Now your model can be used as any other one inside the platform.

Detailed explanation

Here, the numbered topics in the code above will be explained in more details.

1. Loss function

If you want to train you model, you need to define a loss function for it. The loss can either be a simple function or an torch.nn.Module (in which case you define the loss calculation in the forward method). Assuming you use a simple function, it should have the following signature:

def my_model_loss(
    predictions: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
    targets: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]
) -> torch.Tensor:
    # predictions is the output of the forward method of the model.
    # targets is the same inputs dict that is received by the forward method of the model.
    # This function must return a tensor with a single scalar, representing the calculated loss value,
    # OR a dict containing a key 'loss' with the tensor with a single scalar.

2. BaseModel

BaseModel implements the most common requirements for training, validating, and logging optical flow models. Several parts of PTLFlow assume we are handing a model which follows the specification from BaseModel. Therefore, it is recommended that your model inherits from BaseModel and keep its outputs consistent with it. That being said, the common configuration from BaseModel may not serve your model well. In this case, you should just override the required methods from BaseModel with the setting you need. See 8. Overriding methods for more details.

3. pretrained_checkpoints

PTLFlow looks for this class variable in order to know how to load pretrained weights for the model. It must be a dict, in which the key is any identifier string and the value is either a path to a local file, or a link to an online resource. If you do not have pretrained weights for your model, then simply do not define this variable.

4. args

Based on the PyTorch Lightning specification, many parameters are stored in argparse.Namespace. Therefore, a namespace must be provided. This should contain all the parameters your model needs, as well as other parameters used by PyTorch Lightning. See 6. add_model_specific_args for more details.

5. BaseModel constructor

Your model should provide 3 arguments to BaseModel:

  1. The argument namespace as explained in 4. args and 6. add_model_specific_args

  2. The loss function, as explained in 1. Loss function. This can be None, in which case your model cannot be trained.

  3. The output stride of your model. This represents how many times the smallest feature map can be inside your model. Typically this is a power of 2. For example, PWCNet has output stride 64, while RAFT has stride 8.

6. add_model_specific_args

Adding this static method is a design choice recommended by PyTorch Lightning (read more here).

Our models follow this recommendation and should always include this method for generating the arguments that are required by the model. Please notice in the code above that this function must also add the arguments coming from the BaseModel as well.

Most parts of PTFLow are not designed to pass information to your model via other methods (e.g. by generic args or kwargs). Therefore, it is recommended that any hyperparameters required by your model be included as arguments in the parser.

7. forward function

The forward function must follow the input and output types of BaseModel. In other words, both inputs and outputs must be dict s identified by string names. The inputs must accept the following structure:

  • A key called ‘images’ containing a 5D tensor whose shape is BNCHW, where B=batch size, N=number of inputs (usually 2 images), C=channels (usually 3, RGB), H=height, W=width.

  • Depending on the dataset, there may be additional keys with other images. Please check to see which keys can be generated by the datasets.

The outputs must have the following entries:

  • A key called ‘flows’ with optical flow predictions of your model. The prediction must be the same size as the input image. This should also be a 5D tensor with a similar shape to the input images. Note that typically it will have N=1, for a single flow estimation.

  • Optionally, other keys with the same names and shapes as those from the input dataset.

  • Any other outputs which are specific to your model. These are ignored by other parts of PTLFLow, but it may be used, for example, in your loss function. Remember that the output of the forward will be the input of the loss function.

8. Overriding methods

We follow the PyTorch Lightning LightningModule design for our models. Therefore, if you want to modify any of the methods, please check their documentation. You can also see the API documentation of BaseModel.