Run validation on a model

You can use the script to validate one of the available models. Read Getting initial scripts to know how to download it.

Once you have the script, you can run a validation as follows:

python raft_small --pretrained_ckpt things

This will use the raft_small model loaded with the weights trained on the FlyingThings3D dataset.

By default, the validation will be run on the following datasets:

  • Sintel Final pass trainval split,

  • Sintel Clean pass trainval split,

  • KITTI 2012 trainval split,

  • KITTI 2015 trainval split.

If you want to validate on different datasets, you can do so by using the argument --val_dataset. For example,

python raft_small --pretrained_ckpt things --val_dataset chairs-val+sintel-clean-val

would use the following two datasets for the validation:

  • FlyingChairs val split,

  • Sintel Clean val split.

You can check the train_dataset and val_dataset page for more details about the val_dataset string options. If you want to know about the train/val splits of each dataset, check the validation text files at

Using a local checkpoint

If you have a local checkpoint which is not one of the pretrained ones, you can also load it for validation by passing a path to --pretrained_ckpt argument, as:

python raft_small --pretrained_ckpt /path/to/checkpoint

Visualizing the predictions during validation

You can use the argument --show to have the images and predictions displayed on the screen during the validation:

python raft_small --pretrained_ckpt things --show

Saving results to disk

The predictions can also be saved to disk. Use --write_outputs to write the optical flow and other predictions that the selected model may generate. The structure of the outputs should be similar to the inputs.

python raft_small --pretrained_ckpt things --write_outputs

Viewing the validation metrics

A table with the average metrics computed during the validation will be saved in the directory specified by --output_path. By default, it is saved to outputs/validate.

Other options

The script offers some more options to control the validation process. You can check them with:

python -h