Predict optical flow with a pretrained model

[source code]

We provide a script for making it easier to perform inference on different inputs. Read Getting initial scripts to know how to download it. Using this script, you can estimate the optical flow between two images by typing:

python raft_small --pretrained_ckpt things --input_path /path/to/img1.jpg /path/to/img2.jpg --show

Note that you can also give a path to a local checkpoint file to --pretrained_ckpt as well, like:

python raft_small --pretrained_ckpt /path/to/checkpoint --input_path /path/to/img1.jpg /path/to/img2.jpg --show

You can see all the available options of this script with:

python -h

Writing your own script

If you prefer to write your own script for the inference, then you should do the following:

  1. Get one of the models from PTLFlow.

  2. Load the RGB images for estimating the flow (usually two consecutive images).

  3. Convert the images to the input format of the model.

  4. Forward the input through the model and get the predictions.

The code below shows a way to do this:

import cv2 as cv
import ptlflow
from ptlflow.utils import flow_utils
from ptlflow.utils.io_adapter import IOAdapter

# Get an optical flow model. As as example, we will use RAFT Small
# with the weights pretrained on the FlyingThings3D dataset
model = ptlflow.get_model('raft_small', pretrained_ckpt='things')

# Load the images
images = [

# A helper to manage inputs and outputs of the model
io_adapter = IOAdapter(model, images[0].shape[:2])

# inputs is a dict {'images': torch.Tensor}
# The tensor is 5D with a shape BNCHW. In this case, it will have the shape:
# (1, 2, 3, H, W)
inputs = io_adapter.prepare_inputs(images)

# Forward the inputs through the model
predictions = model(inputs)

# The output is a dict with possibly several keys,
# but it should always store the optical flow prediction in a key called 'flows'.
flows = predictions['flows']

# flows will be a 5D tensor BNCHW.
# This example should print a shape (1, 1, 2, H, W).

# Create an RGB representation of the flow to show it on the screen
flow_rgb = flow_utils.flow_to_rgb(flows)
# Make it a numpy array with HWC shape
flow_rgb = flow_rgb[0, 0].permute(1, 2, 0)
flow_rgb_npy = flow_rgb.detach().cpu().numpy()
# OpenCV uses BGR format
flow_bgr_npy = cv.cvtColor(flow_rgb_npy, cv.COLOR_RGB2BGR)

# Show on the screen
cv.imshow('image1', images[0])
cv.imshow('image2', images[1])
cv.imshow('flow', flow_bgr_npy)

Inference on batches of images

For simplicity, the base PTLFlow scripts do not provide a direct way to do inference on batches. However, it should be easy to extend the base scripts to your use case. One example of a workaround to work with batches can be found in [this GitHub issue].