Source code for infer


Generate optical flow with one of the available models.

This script can display and save optical flow estimated by any of the available models. It accepts multiple types of inputs,
including: individual images, a folder of images, a video, or a webcam stream.


# =============================================================================
# Copyright 2021 Henrique Morimitsu
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# =============================================================================

import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
import torch
from tqdm import tqdm

from ptlflow import get_model, get_model_reference
from ptlflow.models.base_model.base_model import BaseModel
from ptlflow.utils.flow_utils import flow_to_rgb, flow_write, flow_read
from ptlflow.utils.io_adapter import IOAdapter
from ptlflow.utils.utils import get_list_of_available_models_list, tensor_dict_to_numpy

def _init_parser() -> ArgumentParser:
    parser = ArgumentParser()
        help="Name of the model to use.",
            "Path to the inputs. It can be in any of these formats: 1. list of paths of images; 2. path to a folder "
            + "containing images; 3. path to a video; 4. the index of a webcam."
            "(Optional) Path to the flow groundtruth. The path must point to one file, and --input_path must be composed of paths to two images only."
        help="If set, the model outputs are saved to disk.",
        help="Path to a folder where the results will be saved.",
        choices=["flo", "png"],
        help="The format to use when saving the estimated optical flow.",
        help="If set, the results are shown on the screen.",
            "Only relevant if used with --show. If set, consecutive results will be shown without stopping. "
            + "Otherwise, each result remain on the screen until the user press a button."
        default=[0, 0],
        help="If larger than zero, resize the input image before forwarding.",
        help=("Multiply the input image by this scale factor before forwarding."),
            "If max(height, width) of the output image is larger than this value, then the image is downscaled "
            "before showing it on the screen."
        "--fp16", action="store_true", help="If set, use half floating point precision."
    return parser

[docs] @torch.no_grad() def infer(args: Namespace, model: BaseModel) -> None: """Perform the inference. Parameters ---------- model : BaseModel The model to be used for inference. args : Namespace Arguments to configure the model and the inference. See Also -------- ptlflow.models.base_model.base_model.BaseModel : The parent class of the available models. """ model.eval() if torch.cuda.is_available(): model = model.cuda() if args.fp16: model = model.half() cap, img_paths, num_imgs, prev_img = init_input(args.input_path) flow_gt = None if args.gt_path is not None: assert num_imgs == 2 flow_gt = flow_read(args.gt_path) if args.scale_factor is not None: io_adapter = IOAdapter( model, prev_img.shape[:2], target_scale_factor=args.scale_factor, cuda=torch.cuda.is_available(), fp16=args.fp16, ) else: io_adapter = IOAdapter( model, prev_img.shape[:2], args.input_size, cuda=torch.cuda.is_available(), fp16=args.fp16, ) prev_dir_name = None for i in tqdm(range(1, num_imgs)): img, img_dir_name, img_name, is_img_valid = _read_image(cap, img_paths, i) if prev_dir_name is None: prev_dir_name = img_dir_name if not is_img_valid: break if img_dir_name == prev_dir_name: inputs = io_adapter.prepare_inputs([prev_img, img]) preds = model(inputs) preds["images"] = inputs["images"] preds = io_adapter.unscale(preds) preds_npy = tensor_dict_to_numpy(preds) if flow_gt is not None: flow_pred = preds_npy["flows"] valid = ~np.isnan(flow_gt[..., 0]) sq_dist = np.power(flow_pred - flow_gt, 2).sum(2) epe = np.sqrt(sq_dist[valid]) gt_sq_dist = np.power(flow_gt, 2).sum(2) gt_dist_valid = np.sqrt(gt_sq_dist[valid]) outlier = (epe > 3) & (epe > 0.05 * gt_dist_valid) print( f"EPE: {epe.mean():.03f}, Outlier: {100*outlier.mean():.03f}", ) preds_npy["flows_viz"] = flow_to_rgb(preds_npy["flows"])[:, :, ::-1] if preds_npy.get("flows_b") is not None: preds_npy["flows_b_viz"] = flow_to_rgb(preds_npy["flows_b"])[:, :, ::-1] if args.write_outputs: write_outputs( preds_npy, args.output_path, img_name, args.flow_format, img_dir_name, ) if img1 = prev_img img2 = img if min(args.input_size) > 0: img1 = cv.resize(prev_img, args.input_size[::-1]) img2 = cv.resize(img, args.input_size[::-1]) key = show_outputs( img1, img2, preds_npy, args.auto_forward, args.max_show_side ) if key == 27: break prev_dir_name = img_dir_name prev_img = img
[docs] def init_input( input_path: Union[str, List[str]] ) -> Tuple[cv.VideoCapture, List[Path], int, np.ndarray]: """Initialize the required variable to start loading the inputs. This function will detect which type of input_path was given (list of images, folder of images, video, or webcam). Then it will establish its length and also get the first frame of the input. Parameters ---------- input_path : str The path to the input(s). Returns ------- tuple[cv.VideoCapture, List[Path], int, np.ndarray] The initialized variables - a cv.VideoCapture if the input is a video OR - a list of paths to the images otherwise, - the maximum number of images, and - the first image. """ cap = None img_paths = None if len(input_path) > 1: # Assumes it is a list of images img_paths = [Path(p) for p in input_path] else: input_path = Path(input_path[0]) if input_path.is_dir(): # Assumes it is a folder of images img_paths = sorted([p for p in input_path.glob("**/*") if not p.is_dir()]) else: # Assumes it is a video or webcam index try: inp = int(input_path) except ValueError: pass cap = cv.VideoCapture(inp) if img_paths is not None: num_imgs = len(img_paths) else: # cv.VideoCapture does not always know the correct number of frames, # so we just set it as a high value num_imgs = 9999999 if cap is not None: prev_img =[1] else: prev_img = cv.imread(str(img_paths[0])) return cap, img_paths, num_imgs, prev_img
[docs] def show_outputs( img1: np.ndarray, img2: np.ndarray, preds_npy: Dict[str, np.ndarray], auto_forward: bool, max_show_side: int, ) -> int: """Show the images on the screen. Parameters ---------- img1 : np.ndarray First image for estimating the optical flow. img2 : np.ndarray Second image for estimating the optical flow. preds_npy : dict[str, np.ndarray] The model predictions converted to numpy format. auto_forward : bool If false, the user needs to press a key to move to the next image. max_show_side : int If max(height, width) of the image is larger than this value, then it is downscaled before showing. Returns ------- int A value representing which key the user pressed. See Also -------- ptlflow.utils.utils.tensor_dict_to_numpy : This function can generate preds_npy. """ preds_npy["img1"] = img1 preds_npy["img2"] = img2 for k, v in preds_npy.items(): if len(v.shape) == 2 or v.shape[2] == 1 or v.shape[2] == 3: if max(v.shape[:2]) > max_show_side: scale_factor = float(max_show_side) / max(v.shape[:2]) v = cv.resize( v, (int(scale_factor * v.shape[1]), int(scale_factor * v.shape[0])) ) cv.imshow(k, v) if auto_forward: w = 1 else: w = 0 key = cv.waitKey(w) return key
[docs] def write_outputs( preds_npy: Dict[str, np.ndarray], output_dir: str, img_name: str, flow_format: str, img_dir_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Show the images on the screen. Parameters ---------- preds_npy : dict[str, np.ndarray] The model predictions converted to numpy format. output_dir : str The path to the root dir where the outputs will be saved. img_name : str The name to be used to save each image (without extension). flow_format : str The format (extension) of the flow file to be saved. It can one of {flo, png}. See Also -------- ptlflow.utils.utils.tensor_dict_to_numpy : This function can generate preds_npy. """ for k, v in preds_npy.items(): out_dir = Path(output_dir) / k if img_dir_name is not None: out_dir /= img_dir_name out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) out_path = out_dir / img_name if k == "flows" or k == "flows_b": if flow_format[0] != ".": flow_format = "." + flow_format flow_write(out_path.with_suffix(flow_format), v) print(f"Saved flow at: {out_path}") elif len(v.shape) == 2 or ( len(v.shape) == 3 and (v.shape[2] == 1 or v.shape[2] == 3) ): if v.max() <= 1: v = v * 255 cv.imwrite(str(out_path.with_suffix(".png")), v.astype(np.uint8)) print(f"Saved image at: {out_path}")
def _read_image( cap: cv.VideoCapture, img_paths: List[Union[str, Path]], i: int ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, str, bool]: if cap is not None: is_img_valid, img = img_dir_name = None img_name = "{:08d}".format(i) else: img = cv.imread(str(img_paths[i])) img_dir_name = None if len(img_paths[i] > 0: img_dir_name = img_paths[i] img_name = img_paths[i - 1].stem is_img_valid = True return img, img_dir_name, img_name, is_img_valid if __name__ == "__main__": parser = _init_parser() # TODO: It is ugly that the model has to be gotten from the argv rather than the argparser. # However, I do not see another way, since the argparser requires the model to load some of the args. FlowModel = None if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] != "-h" and sys.argv[1] != "--help": FlowModel = get_model_reference(sys.argv[1]) parser = FlowModel.add_model_specific_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args() model_id = args.model if args.pretrained_ckpt is not None: model_id += f"_{Path(args.pretrained_ckpt).stem}" args.output_path = Path(args.output_path) / model_id model = get_model(sys.argv[1], args.pretrained_ckpt, args) infer(args, model)